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Pasir Kucing snow Peas wangi dan Gumpal 7L

SKU: D600021


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Pasir Kucing snow Peas wangi dan Gumpal 7L

Kit Cat Snow Peas 7L Antibacterial Clumping Cat Litter

Kit Cat Snow Peas is a 100% eco-friendly cat litter that is a healthier alternative for both cats and owners. Created with natural green pea fibre, this litter is a safe and non-toxic formula. Free from harmful ingredients, all cat owners can have a peace of mind.

It has excellent liquid absorbent features that effectively eliminate odours naturally. This litter is also 99% dusty free which leaves no paw tracks.
The Kit Cat Snow Peas is a unique and innovative formulation that offers a fast and easy cleanup process with quick clumping capabilities. Created to be eco-friendly, the clumps can be repurposed as organic garden fertilizer.

Traditional cat litter has a relatively large negative impact on the environment as well as the health of cats and humans due to the processes and substances. Opting for a safe, natural and biodegradable litter not only creates a healthy space for all but also a step to an eco-friendly environment

Note :

– Update resi H+1 dari masa pengiriman
– Jika barang tidak sampai / rusak, 100% di ganti, dengan syarat bukti foto label pengiriman & video unboxing
– jam Operasional Senin s/d Minggu 09:00 – 19:00
– Jika Order lewat dari jam operasional maka akan di kirim di hari selanjutnya
– Batas Pembayaran Instant & sameday batas Maksimal jam 14:00 & jika order di hari minggu akan di kriim hari senin

Happy Shopping & thank you guys !

Informasi Tambahan

Berat 2000 gram


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